Portfolio Example 9 — Technology and History

Krushalni Mohanarathnam's interest in history and technology led her to follow the path toward becoming an architect.

In 2021, Mohanarathnam, of Toronto, completed an undergraduate degree in architecture at the University of Toronto with a specialization in technology and a minor in visual arts.

"I felt as though there could be more innovation integrated into the architecture process," she explains. "The specialization in technology worked in tandem with courses, such as the history of urbanism, that explored the importance of the history of a landscape."

These courses developed questions in her mind. "Why are cities like Toronto and suburban neighbourhoods filled with similarly designed buildings which lack a connection to the historical significance of the landscape?” And, why is this happening “when there are new technological design processes that present structures which can adapt to the surrounding environment?"

Her portfolio seeks to address these questions. "I wanted to lay the foundation for the idea of merging technology, history, and several other areas of design to improve the built environment."

She is now in her first year of the three-year Master of Architecture program at Carleton University.

Mohanarathnam's fascination with architecture goes back to Grade 6. "Considering my interest in art and math, I figured architecture would be the perfect fit," she says. "It became a passion as I learned more about architecture and what it means to be an architect.

"I'm extremely happy to have the opportunity to study at Carleton's school of architecture, and I can't wait to learn more," she adds.

All images: Courtesy of Krushalni Mohanarathnam


Portfolio Example 10 — Showing a diversity of work


Portfolio Example 8 — STUDIO FIRST credited for success